Hikawa Hina, a member and guitarist of Pastel*Palettes is a character from the franchise Bang Dream! Girls Band Party! (also known as Bandori) created by Bushiroad and Craft Egg. Hina is known for her bright personality and enthusiasm, and also as the younger twin of Roselia's guitarist, Hikawa Sayo. I decided to create a shrine for her on my page! I hope you enjoy it, even if you don't know her/you aren't a fan of hers (which you should be!) as I crafted this sactuary with a lot of love and effort ^_^ Bopping~!

To know more of her, make sure to check the navigation bar where all of her info can be found!

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❝Hina is a true genius, able to do just about anything after one single demonstration. She is a cheerful and candid girl, who is not good at understanding the feelings of other people.❞

- Season 1

❝Haneoka's student-council president and a genius. She loves things that are boppin'♪ She can be a troublemaker sometimes, but she treasures Pastel*Palettes. She has the peculiar ability to be intrigued by things she doesn't understand.❞

- Season 2

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